on the way, songs over which time has no power, songs of victory, festive concert of ildar abdorazakov can do it, but the past requires new sacrifices, give me a pass, well, you’ll change your last name, clean fox, brand new life, will you pay me? for silence, we were robbed, she stole it, but i didn’t take the money, you weren’t three years old, so i ’m screwing you with the family, there are no fingerprints on the safe, valya, you like valya, i need an investigator urgently, valya, on saturday and sunday on rtr. situation, you are walking in pairs, the height is 1. m, suddenly from above you the myster takes your actions in pincers, and... well, i think that it takes a long time, that’s it, there is no way to think for so long in battle, there are seconds to make a decision, for a moment, you know, you need to think and act at the same time, what is the most important thing in battle, well, we were taught that you need to monitor the instruments in flight, and what kind of instruments, erokhin, what are you saying, fighters don’t need instruments at all, head you have to twist it so