chairman you have always been consistent just like chairman iliana ros-lehtinen and i want to but thank both of you that i just want to make a couple of comments and the ranking member of was very kind in her introduction and mentioned how some of this might have some family history. the issue of human rights has nothing to do with family history because i for one am opposed to oppression in communist china, and north korea, in vietnam and i don't know i was a very young man when we had sanctions against south africa and i supported the sanctions in south africa. i'm assuming the ranking member was also opposed to sanctions in south africa because i'm assuming obviously she is also less consistent as the chairman is on these issues. i supported as a young man the sanctions against south africa because doing business with the apartheid regime was not the folks that were struggling for freedom. all it does was help prop up that regime in south africa. mr. chairman i could let this time slaiby. >> and i asked the gentleman to yield for a minute? >> i really was on to trying to acknowledge