maybe make it, i couldn't, let him call the cereal, we must make it, i don't regret it anymore , ilishka tell her that i did everything only for her, and the only thing i wanted was to be near her, tell her that i, that i am her, i will tell her, doctor, quickly, quickly! crazy day, no point in denying, we have testimony against you, evidence too, so a sincere confession makes it easier, oh well. not the first time, don't strain yourself, boss, you will strain yourself, for 10, 15 years, even nehami, we are interested in all the details of the murder. did the khazovs play the second one in the box, well, i overdid it a little, and timur should not be blamed entirely on me, i shot, lyokha ordered it, he hit me with a bullet because he refused, he decided to hold back the money, but i tried to explain to him in a human way that he shouldn't do such a bad thing, not in a comradely way. you can smoke, bosses, everything is mukhtar, everything is. everything, ugh, it's high time to change the provider, three times married tele-2, firstly, you can include home internet in the tariff, secondly,