the mexican dancer iliza curry also took part adapting her mode of expression to the small space of the studio. it was a strange when you were trying to do more free and then you had this waltz and a black another darkness. in this place a bit locked let's say in this black box but still trying to find something beautiful i out of it and trying to find emotions i think it was right for the project. is the principle ballet dancer of the state opera in berlin where she now lives and where this footage was shot. some of the music sequences were also recorded in berlin with the participation of world famous soloists the most your. we recorded the musicians individual or in small groups of 3 the time maximum that's why we chose the black background we wanted it to look really stylish really good partners but we also wanted to be able to reproduce the effects. it's possible in other places because we were only recording in berlin but also in los angeles new york valencia paris. violet's parties. the music 'd in the video is they don't sign a new little dos composed by the mexican total marque