yorks: "t u don'izreale how at thth bans rais pe,cticr gende price in gougseg for irvicess l illega yin newiaork, me mi-dad ty counal and ca.ifornico ndne: "an' we dolyt real know is who ns respoorible f" it. mi l chaeaycone s os parte f thob pre lem artrthe exs a costfor n'womeods pr tuctskeacond ro fm e th. get-gondhe fou that wo s men'ngclothioe, shs and esglov e oftenhenter try count awithhe higimr tportn ax tha n' mes. : conema"it 5 y be $paextra id u to snclebuam, tt byhee timithi 1 be1,0, 1 1 12,ll3 dos.ar" ricovenghe tto s, ryhnjor, potte ne chanwsl 2 ne. keand mi w algerveill hak a looat r youcaforemist, cong up. da : llas n"thewoevada k lf pac huhas a e ge gamn here oy tuesda m i' cdallas, olodnyrohear fm thgue cysinom ig uporn spts." , plusw a ne ttooloro perfm ca delirate ope..tions.he and t ltresuprs are g.omisin n more oedthis m aicalmedvancent nssurgeoe at theruniv osityf sb pittedurgh menical ce ter ar fi the urst tolese a fxible t robo ptoer hformanead ckd ne rg suery. c"theptoncefl of exible csrobotigo is toing th be e nextre tivolu ion ,rgn suical emadvancsuents, srgicalcecien