the holdout is one of the largest counties in the nation, county, illinocounty, illinoio sanctuary citye community is looking for federal dollars in grants to pay for detainee's they have in their jail. but they don't want to participate. whether they are releasing these criminal aliens or what have you i am looking for response both to clarify if the alabama situation but particularly with the cook county situation. >> with regard to alabama, i think that will be resolved and we will see full deployment in mr. rogers's's home state. excellent timing. i expect the eleventh circuit to rule fairly shortly. i think the supreme court's decision will lead us to a place where the eleventh circuit will rule and we will be able to deploy the remaining counties of alabama over the autumn. with regard to, it is a more difficult situation, cook county has one of the largest detention systems in the country. has adopted an ordinance that prohibits all cooperation with i.c.e. even with regard to the serious and violent offenders. written a number of public letters to the county and very much opposed