now, these kids -- let's see if they know about rick and ilsa.: at the end of "casablanca," rick parts with ilsa after telling her, "we'll always have" what? [ laughter ] i don't have the foggiest idea. [ laughs ] right, right. any idea? love? "we'll always have love." land. "we'll always have land." i like that. money? [ laughter ] that's a great ending to the film. "we'll always have money." [ laughter ] -"we'll always have money." -no. you didn't get it right. the answer is paris. he just means we've got a lovely memory. what the heck? oh, my gosh! savage: kay, you are on fire. i am so glad you got that. all right, guys, kay is on a roll. how far can she go, and will she go home with $200,000? we will find out when we come back on "child support." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ nfor hollywood's biggest stars. and, with his vintage-inspired collection at kay jewelers, he designs them for the star in your life. the inspiration for this ring goes back almost 100 years. it's based on an art deco design. neil lane bridal. get her ring today with zero do