ilthazar, this story is on palestinian violence.our father was the mayor of boudras, what pushed him to push for nonviolence, nonviolent protests? >> palestinians were using nonviolence before. this is not a new case, not a new thing for palestinians. they decided not to focus on that subject but decided to focus on other things. but as i said, nonviolence was used by palestinians before to protest the first intifada. and the fact that we in boudros, when the war came in boudros and we we knew to what we planned, we knew that the best way to do it is using nonviolence. because israelis -- israel is so proud of its military, and using nonviolence to protest wouldn't -- would make it impossible for israelis to use their military forces. and we knew that the use of violence would not make it any better and at that time we were thinking about ways and tragically to save our land. the main point was to save land, making -- it wasn't about -- it's mostly was about saving land. and nonviolence was the only and the best way strategy you cou