imad general mcchrystal for the first time. he looked at me and said, you are the rolling stone died. -- guy. i think it is between you and lady gaga. he replied, just put me and lady gaga -- i thought, this is going to be a different kind of story. michael hastings continues the story and talked about his new book. tonight at 8:00. >> leonard curry is the florida republican chairman joining us on this "newsmakers." let me begin by asking you about the timing of the florida primary. they moved it up to influence the process. are you having the influence you wanted? >> let me talk about how that happened. the legal authority about the primary date rests with the florida legislature. the republican party of florida has no authority in that. all throughout the process, we said we agreed that florida should be early and should be by itself. our voice would represent what we are in the states, large, diverse. we should be heard loud and clear. when the committee made the decision to move our primary to january 31, they were acting i