the plans of imam musa sadr were affected. israel, which welcomes any war and conflict in lebanon, implements its plans he does. in 1978, israel attacked lebanon under the pretext of preventing palestinian attacks. israel deploys a mercenary group in lebanon and withdraws from lebanon. in 1981 , israeli prime minister menachem begin appoints one of his most violent people as the minister of defense. ariel sharon. sharon had a long history of crime and said anything. can be destroyed, destroy it. sharon designs a plan to not only end the palestinian resistance, but also change the geography of the region. israel's sporadic attacks begin on june 6 1982 the nationwide attack begins. 120,000 soldiers along with 3,020 tanks and armored personnel carriers suddenly enter lebanon. they quickly reached the palestinian camps in sur and saida. the war begins palestinian fighters. at the same time, israel attacks the syrian forces . with israel's pressure on the lebanese parliament, sher is elected president. israel's goals are determined