president obama has repeatedly said that his motivation for taking executive action on imbration is because he wants to fix our broken immigration system. and what this means is that he's trying to fix our immigration law because of course, immigration law is the only immigration system that we have. so he thinks our immigration law is broken and he believes that it's broken because it fails to exempt certain categories that he thinks deserves exemption from deportation and to whom he believes the law should grant benefits such as work permits. but fixing a law by unilaterally changing it by granting exemptions remedies and benefits that law doesn't provide is legislating or to be more precise, it's amending. and that's the power given exclusively to congress by the constitution. the president's duty under the constitution is not to fix a law that he thinks is broken but to faithfully execute that law. when a president takes upon himself the power to change a law he doesn't like, we have no democracy any more. we have instead a legislature of one. if congress doesn't oppose president obama'