benson: the me confirmed imipramine is the tricyclic antidepressant that caused sarah brown's death. parents probably used what they needed to put the baby to sleep and flushed the rest down theoilet. if the doctor gave them the pills to do this, he's just as guilty as the browns are. i'll get a warrant to pick up that pill vial. our baby was found in a cooler. are we saying these parents buried an empty casket? i checked out the funeral home that the browns used. there are, you know, multiple heath department violations. the browns could have paid them off. why not just bury it? we're not going to know until the parents give it up. we can't prove the browns are the parents wiout their dna. which we can't get without more evidence. we got the pill bottle. is that enough to dig up the kid's grave? i'll run tests on the lining, but i'm pretty sure there's never been a body in this coffin. woman: i see a selfless act of mercy, not a murder. the law doesn't make that distinction, counselor. a jury will. they'll never convict. juries don't like defendants who kill their own children. if t