it's imknob. as long you aas you're living a breathing you're sowing seed.hat goes around comes around. you ever heard anybody say that? they're going to get what's coming to them, why? the world understands the seed principle. they don't call it the seed principle. they use it in a negative way. if the seed principle will work in a negative way, don't you think it will work in a positive way? if you can sow bad seed and get a bad harvest can't you sow good seed and get a good harvest? everything in your life is a seed. you are a walking, breathing warehouse of continuous seed. you are sowing seed every day of your life. when you cut somebody off in traffic, you have just sown a seed. when you let somebody pass in front of you, you've just sown a seed. when you clock in early at work, you've sown a seed. when you clock in late, you have sown a seed. you say nobody's seeing you. oh, yes, he's seeing you. god sees you. god sees you. he sees everything that you do and there's a fifth principle like the law of gravity, doesn't matter whether you're a believer or