and it is author and political commentator imogen lloyd webber. bill schulz, he thinks he is in a dog hotel. and next to me is joe devito. that's it. no talking paper or talking paper intern. it is such a relief. did his reference to changing show a lack of brains? joe biden is getting buried foretelling an audience that they will, quote, put y'all back in chains. but could this possibly from rudy guiliani? >> i think if it came from somebody serious we would get excited about it of the i think the vice president of the united states has become a laugh line on late knitel vision. late night television. i have never seen a vice president that has made as many mistakes or said as many stupid things. there is a real fear if god forbid he had to be entrusted with the presidency, whether he has the mental capacity to handle it. this guy is not bright and has never been bright. he is not bright. >> meanwhile, biden clarified his remark on tuesday. >> here is what congressman ryan said. he said, "we believe a renewed commitment to limited government will