without proper guidelines for impitation and have public comment and adopt things in place like berkeley [inaudible] so we konet have the problems in the future. thank you. >> questions that i can address, i'm happy to do that. >> the department-7 minutes >> good mornings [inaudible] chief housing inspector. the notice of determination of benefits is based on the provision provided by state law and in drafting the department of building inspection did take the counsel and the attorney and the document itself i think speak frz itself regardsing issues that the property owners attorney addressed and specifically the state law does not require that a local ordinance be adopted to implement it and it was appropriate for the director to allow his des ignee to issue this under his guideants and again in conferring with the city attorney. also, with respect to due process, that is what we have before you, that is the appeal process we have now. the property owner knew what the notices of violation were. we just had a hearing that i think demonstrates all the due process associated with the issu