joanna: we may think we're e most importa link, but in fact, we're only one link in a very large interconnected ecosystem. if the ecosystems around us that we care about are gonna survive in this world, we have to start stopping the things that we can stop. dumping a little bit of oil in the ocean may not seem like much to them, but when all the ships are dumping a little bit of oil, it adds up. and we need to stop that. miles: micah fink, why did you make a film called "oil in our waters"? micah: we're becoming more aware of the impacts of our pollution, toxic waste, plastic, and oil on our environment, but there's really very little information about what actually happens when oil gets dumped into the water. so we wanted to make this film both to raise awareness about the issue of intentional dumping, which it turns out is responsible for half of all the oil that goes into the water from human sources. working from that amazing fact, we started to do some research around it and we realized that that intentional dumping is both illegal and incredibly damaging to the ecosystem and to the enviro