. - distraction rom the importtnn . issues.sident obama did not de-classify any information phat eventually leaked out accooding to white house seniir adviser david plouffe.. but plouffe declined to say whether or not his boss, tte plouffe said instead o et .. - theetwo u-s attornnys handpicked by he justice departtent do their job. plluffe says, ""he attorneyy general spoke to us. two uuited states attorneyy will pook under every rook hhre. this ought to beeinvestigated as thoroughly as anything can, and we ought to wait ffr the ploufff also aid tion." there's no need or an independent prosecctor here, even though back in 2006 then special counsel will insure the public's confidence in the investigatioonand prosecution in our government." that was six years ago and this mornnng, connecticut independent senator joe liiberman echoed the sentimeet. lieberman saas, "we do need a special counsel. and we need aaspecial counsel pecause a pecial ounsee avoids ny appearance of conflict of nterestt special counsels, indeeendent counsees