. >> what does that impposition into the marketplace look like? who needs defending and from what? >> well, so i want to start by addressing your question about the kind of process for change of neighborhoods. i think it's true, neighborhoods change, cities change, communities change. i think for the work that we do, what we focus on is that this type of change is not by accident. it's actually systemic and structural in nature. so what do i mean by that? so two things in particular. this process of change we're looking at comes from a multidecade history of public policy that has driven disinvestment in many urban communities. so i live and work in san francisco and oakland, for example, aside from my national purview, and what have we seen? we've seen a history of red lining, we've seen urban renewal, we've seen the fact that federal transportation policies, the creation of suburbs, white flight from urban centers, these went into create five or six decades of really, really systemic structurally-driven disinvestment. our analysis is that type of disinvestment creates the conditi