had numerous members of that community, young predominantly black males killed by police with impuimpunityink this sends to them? >> well, a much better message that you're sending, young men being killed with impunity. we look at every case that comes through, young black men or young white men. we have young white men tragically killed by police officers in situations. we hopefully learn from each and every one of those how to avoid being in that situation in the future. whether it's a justified shooting. so i think that's what has to go. and i think what the people in the community they need to make their voices heard. and they need to address those so we get those issue sos we're never in this position again. yes, sir. >> i think people looking at this from around the country are going to be struck by the fact there's not a single law in the state of missouri that protects and values the life of this young man who unquestionably was shot and killed dead, there's no dispute about that, by the police officer. what do you say to people who wonder is there something wrong with the laws her