. -- france with impununity. he denied the accusations of corruption. we spoke to his lawyer as he was leaving court earlier. he said he would consider whether he would of deal or not. he has 10 days to make up his mind. the next step p is to work out a way of changing legislation here in france so the assets you have been confiscated wind their r wy back to the people. that is a difficult situation. it does not make much sense to confiscate things and send it back to the state where it is father is resident. -- his father as president. donald trump stopped short of fulfilling his campaign promise to declare the opioid crisis a national emergency area he announced a public health emergency. it is the leading cause of death for americans under the age of 50. >> he lost his son to a heroin overdose six years ago. he became addicted to painkillers after dental surgery. his father runs in opipioid recovery center, raising awareness about of addiction. americans last00 year. if a terrorist attack killed 60,000 americans, we would print money to combat that.