andhi uld also be a anl increase ipotity -- productivit t one has t ftu t veheay did on a ry imrtt posivefft miation, one is to look to highkied immigration its aar percentage terms part of immigration and er are severawhsait's ucial atmmrants are crucl enncg any crsing innoti we. i will add couplofords on th pticulay science, particular sence, chlo, engineering and math worker wch are a vy rg percengef foreign born seem tooost produivity. if y ain h vion of mian aa are of the population and go fromeople thome coege public to op with ahdheilse that iignts ar concentted t vy ghnd of education. abt 30% o p a immignts. you n calculate t effec of this assuming theris sive pduivity of this oup. increases iovation. ju treferring to a paper we wre,e lcate increasing workedutohe inead p t visa that was paedn e'90s and then withdrawn t 20,ay theslocal productivityueo thnflow aut 5fo collegedated and 2% for nocollege-educated. i'm gointoraitp and m going toayhathagegate level i ink th tseite in ihowed shows if immigrtsavanmpact on any part of thwa dtrution it wain the '90anitasin of normal relative to the he