one is, i think, perhaps, ina inadvertently disparaging term about our united states law enforcement mechanism. i hope it is inadvertent, but i want to take a moment to say that having had some experience in that world, i'm extremely proud of our federal law enforcement officers, of our career prosecutors. i've had prosecutors have to go to court in body armor. i've had prosecutors have to go home to their families and explain why a security system needs to be put in their home because of threats. they take this on day in and day out. and as you know, they don't get paid a great deal. and they are, i think, among the best lawyers in our country. and i just want to make that point because i didn't like the tone that i was detecting. the second point that i want to make is one, in favor of prosecutorial independence. and to the extent that you have been criticized that your decision is unpopular, i think people looking at this should bear in mind that the implication of that is that prosecutors should seek to make decisions that meet with popular opinion. and from my perspective, popul