(ina lau ing) i lo his kiss, theye so g d.smallbut th're veryignificant. augh in aryou co ?you wa to go bk in n ? (fye vocaling) ye, okay, t's do t.freye:o. sol: no? oh, you nt to sasometh g. (grunts) alright, bk on thece ne. t-u-v.we liv y eah? new rd? m-n- p q-r-m. we le simply yeah, yeah. yeahi kn ow (peoe talkinin backgund) bbie: 30ears d three nt hs. sol: 3years anthree mohs? - ah. - ishat yourlongest relatish ip?- oh, s-- 's definely hi he neverasted mo thanwo-and-aalf ye s. was it, en you gs were ge ther for o-and-a-lf years was getting... - chy feet - wahe getti itchy feet? were y, fr ey - ohmaybe the's mething don't kn h ere.- wereou getti itchy feet afr, afterwo-and-aalf years?let's see. oh, says, hsays-- show me ain?no, go. i just wt to want to y that you,ou're hang a natal ... yourody is bically dng a tural press ofyou knowlike, yo like i y, yore not eing very uch.you're, u have pn, so y have mecati oni meanthis is route of towa dying, ght?you'ren a process. (solurmurs) l: "the le is, flow e brightt light. that's g