juli runs the incas and flex business as part of this process.ulfillment at retail, and i wanted him to talk to you about some products. now, i have a couple of goals here. number one, i want to see aimee's sales presentation. number two, i want to see if jeff will actually let her do it. aimee: i've put together a little presentation. juli: awesome. aimee: of who we are. we can do anything from small countertop units to large floor displays, depending on the space that is needed for your product. brad: awesome. so for our watches, we would love to have a retail display that really tells our message, that we have multiple different patterns, multiple different watches, and multiple different costs. and how we can show them as a collaboration living with our inkka shoes. aimee: depending on the retail environment, you can always do it as far as, like, a vitrine, or... jeff: question. will the watches themselves, the base color of the watches, always be a solid color? juli: no. brad: no. jeff: okay, we have a laminating process that we do that can