deliveeed plenty of sisis during the paa month he considering a late etrance to the race -- incluing reachin out to potetial supporters in early voting s sates -- like ioioa -- to see how much support he would need to win the nomination. political experts say another major hurdle for vice president biden would have been trying to raise enough money -- whileeis rivals spent months collecting funds. we've got you covered live in the newsroom -- macleod hageman -- kwwl news. following the vice president's nouncement -- dedeocratic frontunner hillary clinton tweeted out -- the v-p is a great man. today and always -- inspired by his optimism and commitment to change the world for the beter. in continuinn coverage... a mumuder trial for aawaterloo mann is getting started today... jury selection is underway for 28- year-old roderick ward murder... acsed of using a shotgun to kill 27-year-old gary wilson outside of ward's home in early august of last year.. police say the two argued moments before the shootinn. a barn and,motor home are after a fire... it happened over the noonhour at a home in jesu