. >> bill, we talked more about inco inequality this year than ever before. is the american lifestyle sustainable? what could be donene to make people feel more secure? >> well, the american middle class, maria, habeen declining in terms of its effluence for a long time, since the 1980s. the wages for the middle class has been on a downward trend, and it's only now that they're beginning to ense, yes, we see that in term o wall street, p -- wall street protests and the like. the fact is that capital has benefited labor in the past 20 years, benefited with lor interest rates, benefited to buying investments at cheap interest rates, and to the extent we hahave imbalances n between corporate profits relative to record levels of gdp and labor and wages which are decling percentages, then i think we'll have significant probms in the future. these imbalances take a long time to correct, and it will be dependt to a considerable extent in the elections of 2012 and beyond, but we rlly have a labor versus capital situation which isnly now becoming recognized bthe ameri