we recommend closing the unexpected incumbrance. together these recommendations result in $700,000 in savings. 13-14, the recommended reduction is 743. of those, all of those, it is all ongoing savings. an increase of 408,000. as i stated, we absolutely work with the department, who says they will provide us with additional information. they have not given us any information that would make us change the attrition savings. if they can demonstrate, with documentation, we will change the recommendations. sueprvisor kim: this is a question that i have that touches on multiple departments. how do you evaluate the need for the number of vehicles that we have by department? i wonder if we need all the vehicles that we have on the road. should we look at replacing the feet -- the fleet? before we look at whether we are using them optimally, for car sharing, car pooling, and others. you cannot believe that we use all of the cars that we have at all times. how do you do that surface analysis? >> certainly, we are of limited from this standpo