jimmy is on the line for indep endents. caller: i do believe that the conservatives are split on what it exactly means to be a conservative. the ones who said we are the true conservatives, and we have to stay true to our ideals. and there are conservatives who say we have to do what is best for america and sometimes that includes compromise. and due to the taxed party and obamacare, the freedom caucus wing of the relevant party has gotten a lot more powerful. toy're doing what it can take control of the republican party. but it is my view that this is bad for both the republican party and the country as a whole. host: thank you for the call. orlando, david is on the line. i do not have your political party. caller: i am a democrat. fantastic, thank you for taking my call. i am concerned, i see this going on. martin on, on c-span, said something that led to this. we have a bunch of young new members were trying to take power, but don't really know how. so i think that is what happened with representative mccarthy. he though