the this morning's cover story, john rydell examines thh role offthose independenn. independent. "this doesn't look good for staaee to be attacking his opponenn."for most of his life....clarence miichell the fourth...was loyal democrrt. ((laughs)) "that's funny, that's unny."after all...his grandfather...was civil rights activiit...clarence mitchell, ago...this former state &psenator...declared...he was done...with the democcats. "because they're hypocrits." "the democratic partyy" (mitchell) "proclaims to be pfrican-ameeicans. if that's - country runs by democrats. baltimore city is the one of the poooest cities in the countty, majority african- american, run by ddmocrats. what's wrong with that picture?"(then why not because the reppblican party is not much better either. that's why i'm ot a pepubllcan."((naas))rob sobhani...wass.. a republican...yearrsago..ut he...too... has defected.he's pow running for u.s. senate....aa an "independent". (sobhani) "it's shameful hat theii party abovv their s puu two parties, aalot of ideas, e so they blame eaah other." you'veep