one of the projects that you are aware of, trustee randolph is the india basin. this is the deepest dive we have done into a concept called equitable development planning where we work with the community not just in a traditional concept design construct, but the community has ownership with us in trying to figure out how to develop strategi strategies, when we improve the space, we don't do what some refer to as gentrification, and we don't weaken the neighborhood, we strengthen it. that's not just the design inside the park but outside of the park and how we leverage every single drop of a project to reinvest in the community, and we've been in the equitable planning process with neighbors that are in india basin, in hunters view and shore view for well over a year now. as covid starts, our equitable leadership came up with an idea that we embraced, which is they asked for a tech hub at india basin shoreline park. and this was even before some of the community hub -- this is before we knew what the fall was going to look like at sfusd. this was really for peopl