rounds that after the extraction that after finally was meticulously planned been doing doing the indiana canada. to and ten to twenty fourth but with a twist back last tested. they try try again. to second i'm sunk succeede. in in in israel the little dna as a live life. as as we dream come come true. since my deals will now we feel your women and men all softwares at him temple it is right right the highest highest award given evidence green right. under under lease lease section now the with the with the full. six press group ouout of wi. the two heads and a fifty on the ten temple the short [inaudible] i and you can do because it was. in the in the vine. even even some. right right right right. women women live and let me tell you. in the the representatives of the locals listen. i'll tell talked about a lot lately. hello. femininity to illegally. in the morning and just general excellency. bus also. won a judge judge h. which i think is a pretty pretty. now now we want. to we rachel turns it sends an engine which was a major street. things and so much coming coming as yes yeah now you know