and he was just in indianaola, iowa a few minutes ago talking to supporters there. he's making his final arguments basically to the people of iowa this weekend. he has been the iron man of this iowa caucus, hitting every county in iowa and that's part of his appeal to voters here. he said he's the one that put the time in, he has invested in campaigning in this state and he thinks that should be rewarded. let's go rick santorum right now and hear what he has to say. >> contrast between what we believe in as conservatives and what barack obama is doing to this country. this election is about a foundational election about freedom. it's not just about economic freedom and the economy, but it's about freedom generally speaking and this president as you've seen from his speeches believes that america is a broken model. that america needs more government control and intervention, that we need to become more like western europe, we need more regulations. this administration -- let me step back. in the last two presidents, president bush and then prior to that president cli