. -- indiscrimnat ely.nd this is general mcchrystal and has demonstrated an alliance and they are the ones that think this is the most effective way to wage this fight. >> we have started to see some signs of fatigue with the afghan war with the public. how long do you think we have before it starts to seeing serious obstacles to stay? >> there has been frustration obviously. it's been a long time, this is eight years. but we did not appropriately use many of those years. this was underresourced and ignored, because iraq assumed all the resources and political debate and capital. and in those years we have lost tremendous ground. we have allowed the taliban to reconstitute itself. and the frustration is not only the americans but with the afghan's. we thought we would help to achieve more quickly stable governance, etc. but we have to recognize this can't go on the same way. and that's why i think the president decided not only would we provide these additional resources and accelerate growth of the afghany