it arranged from places like denmark, french indochina to south africa, spain, switzerland. there were people who came south from canada and north from south america. this is a photograph of the immigration building on a july lead when immigrants would dock, they would land on a peer and go up this and this is the first site they would see. there are three entrances here. racial segregation was the order of the day. there was an entrance for employees, for whites, and for asians. within that administration building, there were separate waiting areas as well. at all times, the different groups were segregated from each other through this administration building. so, when we compare to ellis island, ellis island is primarily enforcing laws that relate to immigrants from europe. it is in new york and most of the immigrants coming over are coming from the atlantic. into island is situated in san francisco. it is primarily enforcing laws that are targeting asia and immigrants and the laws are very, very different. while ellis island is an mostly processing center, angel island is