young ike was something of an inegma, desperately poor and wanting to akeefe a higher education to escape the poverty of his youth. his graduation from west point in 1911 should have resulted in a serious young cadet and a young cadet who would do everything in his power to achieve success and as many of you probably know, he did no such thing. while at west point, he was a happy go luck i didn'y, irrespoe cutup, who never attempted to excel at his studies, violated a great many academy regulations, some of them expulsion offenses. accumulated more than 100 demerits in his senior year alone. and was a frequent guest of the commandants punishment tourism ward. pouring water on unsuspecting cadets and leaving the grounds without permission were hardly prescriptions for a successful cadet experience. his most famous exploit, and i think some of you probably know this, was probably on the occasion during his plebe year, when he was ordered to report to an upper class man's room in full dress coat. eisenhower, dewey, reported, clad only in his undercoat, under which he was stark naked. he did