which is what influns ourfomost thanks to your leadership, the grants helps establish monitoring programs and systems and teams of people who now do that work. this is simply the federal government saying this is really a state or local function. it's best done that way. i know that's how it's done primarily in new jersey. our time for funding this is seed funding is over. and it's time for those communities to take over. >> the reason i disagree, and i real tling it's important for us to restore the funds, is because you're right, that when new jersey had it on its own, and you were the commissioner at the time, that we did a lot to fund the program and we did all the things that we were supposed to do. but the problem is, other states were not doing it. then it becomes unfair advantage. you know, we're closing our beaches when they should be closed. other states are not because they don't do the testing and the more or thing. think that the program right now, we havezation bill to expand to it do a lot more things that are actually being done now. tests for different chemicals and compo