within a week of the united states declaration of war, one of the first things the government does is establish the committee on public information. the united states first propaganda ministry. wilson turns to george creole. creole is a kansas city journalist. with a little bit of experience and advertising. he will write his book called how he advertised the war. creole understands right off the bat that on this type of mass total war, you have to mobilize the passion of the american people. to get them to willingly sacrifice. now, he does that for a couple of ways. first and foremost, he is dealing with fear. fear of the enemies foreign. look at the images that he's using here. you sure as hell don't want to run into this guy in a dark alley. so the american people are starting to believe that there are creeping menaces in the world setting out to destroy american society and the american way of life. and there is spy mania that goes out throughout the nation. he is also dealing with enemies domestic. the official government policy at this time is 100% americanism. they are saying that half of our problem in the nation going back to the fear of the immigrants are too many