by that i mean, the bureaucrats that have to sustain the infra structure, these people are not to be ignored. these people also battle, and they take these chances, and they have to, you know, decide whether they're going to like mr. kaepernick, when he talked to his parents and thought it over, that's what everyone has to do, including, know, people hat call the show. i'm saying, if there's a discussion of suffering, not black suffering, not immigration, not, you know, baseball players, deflategate, not everything is about suffering. and there's not a discussion about discussion. there's only a discussion of about which will lead to, wait, also, now the hispanics, you know, the blacks -- the blacks have it real bad, and it's like, well, now hispanics also have it bad so. then you're now saying how we're all related with suffering. anyway, i'm just taking up all your time. host: that's ok. appreciate all the calls this morning. we want to have this discussion here on the "washington journal." got about 45 minutes in this first segment to have that conversation. only about 10 minutes