. >> your f-ing book, why did he say that to you? >> he said that book destroyed his career. he kept repeating that line. he was just emphasizing how intensely he felt about it. it was an awkward moment. i don't completely agree. actually, he did make my career. it was a great way to start a literary career. the book was a big success. he could have survived my book. my book dealt him at most a glancing blow. he was thinking here is this guy that i have never laid eyes on as far as i know, who wrote this book, has followed me wherever i go and caused me some announce, and i am going to say what i think about it. i let him say it. >> pronounce it again? >> gutfroind. >> why did you end the book this way? >> i started my book walking back into the place i left, wall street, when i was 27 years old and had never really come back to as a book writer. i was drawn back to the because of the experience i had then. one of the themes that is teased out in the story is that an-off -- an awful lot of the crisis we have been living through has its seeds that happened in the 80's actually