world of marc chagall’s memories, he loves you. the famous master , the artists who helped her, inga karashkevichvichenko, tried to get into the style of the master of avant-garde art, to convey his color scheme so that the character, interior items, and the basis for the backgrounds of the cartoon were immersed in the atmosphere of his own works. alla matyushevskaya is a production designer with her own unique style. a bright representative of the belarusian school of animation, the skill of which gives the breath of high visual culture and carries an expressive sense of style. tell us in general about the concept of this exhibition, and how the work took place? began to work on... with personnel, it was difficult to find, yes, tell me, did you encounter any difficulties, it was difficult to find the air that walked in the films, he is a director in himself, this is a small cartoon, small a story, everyone walks there, they walk incorrectly, they walk like in childhood, the children draw , upside down, something else, so it was necessary to preserve that amazing world of his, multi-colored, blue