of internal affair conducted a series of investigative inquiries ington regardi regarding -- internals, affairs field offices in washington, d.c.,at houston, texas, san die, california, and seattle, washington conducted related investigations at specific border patrol sector headquarters, stations, training entities, and the cbp laints commissioners' situation room. the office of special council te received complaints that overtime hours were not being ur worked, allegations if proven oi couldd institute criminal -- op investigationslo did not substantiate any allegations s t that employees w had received compensation for hours that wern not worked. the investigation, did however, substantiatuate aspect of the allegations. the question whether auo was th. appropriate mechanism for in specific overtime compensation.a in short, the investigations wh determined that workit was conducted and importantly even r where auo was not the proper eo overtimeye mechanism, cbp had ay obligation and they had an entitlement to be appropriatelyk compensated for the overtime hours worked. dhs and cbp have taken steps tou address the arsitu