the profitits are then u usedo provide fofood for free e inhe evenings. as always, luis s vincente has dressesed up for thehe occasi. fatherer angel takeses it very seriously ththat everyone e is l in the eyes s of god. a personon's worth, hehe says, should never be decided by t te amouount of money y he has. fath a angel: so often we crss the e stre to avavoid the homeless. it's a problem the polititicias can't sosolve. it's's about h human rights. it doesn't matatter whether peoe have moneyr r not, tirir digni needto be preserved. portrter: lunteeee also meme here tseserve e poororn the evenin. >> they giveve us volunteeeero much more e than we giveve th, at's the way i see it. and eyey're soratetefu we mayay be fine at t the mom, but any y of us could d lose ouy at any time. we couldasasilbe in theirr position t tomorrow. reporterjustst bore 8:00the tabl arere laiinsidede and the gueststs start to ararrive. the whole e project is a aimet helpining people to o find thr place e in society a aga. and today there's go newewfor lu. the city authoritieses ha