teachers are removed from the site based budget pages this action does not seem in keeping with the ininclusive praks, what is the rationale behind the 058 organizational category and under the centralize base funding does that mean that all teachers assignments could be changed at any time for any reason? aren't we trying to build community and make the special education more a part of the community and i don't think that this helps. starting next year, parents will not be able to look at the school site budget and see how many special ed teachers are at the school and that is just wrong. so thank you. >> hi, my name is megan and i am a special education teacher, and i am an active member of the union and i am a board member, with the community advisory committee for special education. and i wanted to talk a little bit about the special education funding as well. and i have spent a lot of time looking at the organizational chart for the special education, that just came out and we get like a new one every few weeks and try to keep organized who i am reporting to and who they are reporting to and i l