but how would we react to a terrible catastrophe hitting us, destroying our homes, ininjurying, killing our friends and family, then to see on tv the japanese people waiting in line for food and water in an orderly fashion immediately after the disaster was really remarkable. it's a testament to the resiliency of the japanese people. i could only hope we as americans adopt some of these. one of the areas i feel strongly about in part of this task force is the need for individuals to take the responsibility seriously. if you think the government, whether it's the japanese government or the u.s. government are going to be there to help you in a disaster, you're crazy. you're going to be on your own. the department of homeland security tells you you're going to be on your own for at least 72 hours, but they're serious. you're going to be on your own and local governments and state governments and certainly not the federal government cannot be this for you in your time of need. on the risk side, we talked about this being a black swan. i mentioned that for the same sake of argument, it was