i'm not detecting any vascular ininlvement... hmm? your headache. not a bad one, i take it? uh, no, not yet, although it feels worse. preventive measure. a lot to do today. a mild analgesic it is... oh. doctor, i'm curious to know how you think these tests will help you develop an e eective treatment. so am i. i mean, are you approaching this strictly on a sympmpmatic level, or do you believe there's any similarity to other condititis you've seen in the past? ( laughs ): ah. lieutenant, i believe i can put your mind at ease. lleagues have returned with a contagious illness, there is no way it can spread to the rest of the ship. we are all quite safe. i'm not worried about that. no, i'm interested in the methodology... out, out, out! i have a lot to do as well, hmm? tucker: you ever see the andromeda strain? strain of what? no, it's a movie, mid-20th century. let me guess. and it kills him in the end. it's about an extraterrestrial disease. all your movies are the same. i can't keep the stories straight. got into a lot of trouble at old stc. i got kicked out. month, i... i ha