including miss kane, but including ininterpreter tors, drive drivers, security it, if you look at the time frame, this was done in an extraordinarily swift fashion. extremely professional with a limited number of hours to be able to get what they needed. they believe they have got s samples they can work with and that's what they intend to do now. >> the focus of that meeting, but are there any reference from miss kane about possible outcome? military attack? >> i would just stick with what i've said. yes. >> martin, once the report of the inspectors would come out and the strike if it will happen, what will be the nature of the mission of the inspectors when they go back to syria? >> i'm not going to speculate at this point. i will simply repeat that we have given an undertaking, the team has given an undertaking to the syrian authorities that it will return to complete its investigation. i've got time for two more questions. yes. >> russian president vladimir putin said that he asked american to wait for the outcome of this u.n. investigation and also, he as