the current german defense inister, a woman known germany, but not outside of germany, not many europeansill know who she is. she did not run in this european election. many will tell you that the lead candidate -- to come outl has with the negotiations with something to present back home. shery: do we have any idea what foreign policy could look like, especially when we are seeing moreu.s. efforts to put constrictions on trade, including new european items added to the tariffs list? is a job that would go in principle to a spaniard. the former minister is well known here in brussels, knows the machine inside out. he will lead for an action for the european union. you also have iran, russia, venezuela, so many open fronts here for the european union. this is a job that will take a lot of time. also interesting, when you read this from a european perspective, it reflects that balance of power between italy and spain. italy almost seen as problematic and confrontational. spain very pro-european. it looks like the european council agreed to hand something to the spanish government to put for