also, not in this briefing initiay, but asked a little later, betsy devos, who's the trump nominee for education secretary, she now is facing a potential loss in her confirmation hearing. it's 50/50 as two republican hearings, mu mu cow ski from al and susan collins said they will say no for devos. that means vice president pence would have to come down to the senate and give the tiebreaking vote if another moderate on the gop side decided to vote no. we have kristen welker standing by in the white house briefing room. kristen, are you there? is she there? >> reporter: i am hear. i hear you. >> a lot of news coming out of there. let's talk about michael flynn. was this expected? and how much -- what is the white house trying to say here? . >> reporter: it wasn't expected at all. for context, sometimes the administration will bring one of its top officials out to deliver a message, particularly when they want to underscore it with a fine point. that's what we saw today, the national security adviser saying that this administration is putting iran on notice. this is a major headline, kat