so that's going to be a focus this fiscal year the mayor's office as well as the departments inlooking at ways to reduce this . but we didn't discuss, so we're at 57 million in expenditures so let me go backwards. we're at $57 million inrevenue . but we're at $91 million in expenses so what does that mean? the good news is that we have reserves andwe have fund balance . so we've had that when we were during the good times when we were spending less and bringing in more too. so we have a few contingency reserves of about $41 million. then we alsohave a fund balance of about $6 million . now, in the fee contingency reserves , we are a budgeted this year to spend about $20 million of that. $26 billion of that to balance in the current year. i know we had discussions about what our current fund balances butthe issue is that it fluctuates . we know don't know what our true fund balance is that's available until we end this current fiscal year. until we are slated to lose about $26 million the fact that we're going to look likewe have savings in our expenditures , i'll go back to that. it lo