my brother served inn vietnam, and i saw what war can do to someone, so i volunteered for a peace corpsi served for 1.5 years, and was wrongly fired when i dug the grave of a woman who had died and gave out materials to midwives. i was wrongly accused of distributing birth control, and six month later, they said, you were right, we were wrong, have a good life. the thing is, with my dad, he got ill, and bob dole was in the senate. my father had been in the reserves for 20 years. he came down with prostate cancer on staten island. we had what was called the marine hospital. he did not get complete care. when he died, instead of 22 years in the reserve -- getting insurance that my mother and family could be covered -- bob dole in the senate cut veterans benefits and half. that is one example. i have been a case manager with the monthly hill homeless, and then i became homeless, and i do live with post-traumatic stress from another situation, and when i went to senators both gillibrand who was talked about sexual assault within the military, and i was assaulted she ignored me. there is a p